
@ about
aka also known as
annc. announcement (re:  marriage)
ann. anniversary
anniv. anniversary
art. article (person usually subject of newspaper article)
b. born
banns church announcement of impending marriage
bc. born circa (about)
b-i-l/ brother-in-law of
bptz. baptized
bro/ brother of
card card or note of thanks
c/b could be
ch. child, children
cite name mentioned (occasion other than death or marriage) 
d/ daughter of
d. died
dc. died circa (about)
dec. deceased
d-i-l/ daughter-in-law of
div. divorce, divorced
engmt. engagement (re:  marriage)
f/ father of
f-i-l/ father-in-law of
Ger. German language
grd/ granddaughter of
grs/ grandson of
item person's name mentioned in connection with an incident
inv. invitation (re:  marriage)
L Legal Notice in newspaper (generally in connection with last will and testament)
lic. license (re:  marriage)
m/ mother of
m. married
mem. memorial (or resolution of respect, etc.)
m-i-l/ mother-in-law of
note note or card of thanks
obit name or date mentioned in obituary
res. resolution of respect
reun. reunion, family
s/ son of
sis-i-l/ sister-in-law of
sis/ sister of
son-i-l/ son-in-law of
trib. tribute (usually in form of poem)
w/ wife of
1w, 2w 1st wife, 2nd wife, etc
1h, 2h 1st husband, 2nd husband, etc.
++ Married prior to settling in Burlington area
`[no.] year beginning with 19; used in a few cases to indicate that date is in 1900s, rather than 1800s
NOTE  "No gravestone" or "no stone" means that at the time a cemetery list was prepared, there was no gravestone marking the grave.  A stone may have been put in place later.