

Upcoming Events




Mysteries from the Grave

Cemetery Walk


September 29, 2024

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Burlington Cemetery  

701 Browns Lake Drive, Burlington, Wisconsin

Cost $15.00 per person


Join us as we unravel some of history's mysteries that have been hidden in our cemetery.


    An unmarked grave….unknown and unnamed. Who was this infant and why had she been left here? Explore the story of Ellen Hyde Percival, infant daughter of William Thomas Percival and Martha Cook Birrell Percival, whose grave site was recently discovered. Hear the story of her family’s travels from New Zealand to California in June of 1923. What caused them to stop in Burlington, eventually leaving behind their infant daughter’s body in the care of strangers? After much  research, you will learn what happened to her family and see her  final resting place in Burlington Cemetery.  


    James Jesse Strang….King? Or Con Man? The fascinating story of a man who might have been the head of the Church of Latter Day Saints and Burlington, rather than Salt Lake City might have become home to the Mormon faith. You will hear two different viewpoints on his life and legacy. The author of a recent book on Strang’s story, “The King of Confidence”, Miles Harvey, will be joining us to talk about his work in uncovering the truth about this enigmatic figure. 


Mr. Harvey will be available for questions and will have copies of his book available for purchase and signing.



We promise you a very interesting afternoon!


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