Burlington Rural Free Delivery


Rural free delivery started in Burlington on February 1, 1904. Prior to that time, citizens had to travel to the post office in downtown Burlington, or to the post office in a nearby village, to pick up their mail.

The patrons on the first routes, the routes followed by the mail carriers, and the names of the first regular and substitute carriers on each route are shown below. The six rural routes at that time, which were part of a county-wide numbering system, were numbers 17 through 22

The information was obtained from articles in the two Burlington weekly newspapers of the time:  The Free Press and the Standard Democrat. The information has been lightly edited and alternative spellings of names have been added. The names on each route are in alphabetical order.

Names Of Patrons Served By Carriers From Burlington
When Post Office Started Rural Route Delivery In 1904

Bancroft, George H.
Barker, John
Bauman, Mrs. L.
Baumann, W. J.
Baumeister, Henry
Baumeister, Joseph
Baumeister, Mrs. B.
Boyle, James
Brooks, James
Brooks, Preston
Burns, Mary E.
Callahan, John
Chipman, Mrs. W. E.
Cunningham, Mrs. E.
Cunningham, P. H.
Curtis B.
Dobson, Lawrence
Edwards, Frank
Edwards, James
Ensign, Clarence
Everett, Lynn
Finan, John
Foote, Lillian
Gaffney, Thomas
Gleason, Michael
Gooder, Alvin
Gooder, Hiram
Hegeman, Arnold, Jr.
Hegeman Frank
Hegeman, John
Herdeman, Joseph C.
Hetterman, Frank
Hinchliffe, A. M.
Hinchliffe, George
Hockings, Clarence
Hockings, William
Johnson, Joseph
Johnson, Smith
Johnson, William
Katterhagen, Albert (Ketterhagen)
Katterhagen, John (Ketterhagen)
Kelley, Mrs. A. E.
Kornhoff, John
Kortendick, H. J.
Laurel Park (resort)
Leindecker, F. W.
Lindeman, Frank
Lovell, C. C.
Lows, Georgia
Marsland, T. H.
Matheson, Matt
McDonald, W. H.
McKee, Thomas
Mealy, Alice
Mealy, Edward
Messing, Franz
Miller, Henry
Moore, W. M.
Mullinder, Mrs. S. A.
Munson, Nels
Murray, John
Myer, Joe (Meyer)
Noble, Alvin
Noble, Delbert
Noble, George
Noble Henry
Noble, J. B.
Noble, J. W.
Noble, Louis
Prailes, Ed
Rasmussen, Anton
Raymond, Mrs. M.
Redlin, Fred
Reesman, Henry
Rountree, G. W.
Rountree, J. C.
Scheel, Henry
Sheard, George B.
Sheard, Henry
Sheard, Ralph
Squire, George H.
Starkey, William
Stenhouse, John
Stenhouse, Mrs. E.
Thomas, Nic
Tidgwell, John
Tyrrell, Peter

Babe, Thomas
Beguhl, Henry
Beut, Ruth
Billwigs, George
Brever, Henry J.
Busch, Theodore
Check, Joe
Christenson, James
Cohen, Moses
Cook, Rose A.
Cook, Theodore H.
Cunningham, J. T.
Cunningham, Peter L.
Cunningham, T. J.
Eckert, George
Eckert, John P.
Eisenbart, Martin
Fallon, James
Feuker, Mike (Fleuker)
Ginaine, Michael
Gleeson, Battie
Griebel, Frank
Hillman, Fred
Hintz, Charles L. W.
Hoefner, Henry B.
Hoogerhius, Richard
Katterhagen, Ben (Ketterhagen)
Katterhagen, George (Ketterhagen)
Katterhagen, John F. (Ketterhagen)
Katterhagen, Mrs. J. (Ketterhagen)
Katterhagen, Zacharias (Ketterhagen)
Kemptner, Mrs. John
Kinnie, Pearl
Lasch, Joe
Leach, John
Maloy, Thomas
McCarthy, D. S.
McCarthy, Dennis
Miller, Peter
Muegler, Ben
O'Neil, Robert
Peterson, Charles
Pihringer, H. J.
Radke, William
Richter, Henry
Roettinger, Conrad
Ryan, Thomas
Sanders, William
Seymour, John
Smith, Charles
Smith, Chris
Smith, George
Stipe, Martin
Terhorst, Barbara
Uhen, Fred
Uhen, Henry
Uhen, Joe F.
Uhen, John H.
Uhen, Joseph
Uhen, Minnie
Valenta, Mrs. Anna
Vandenboom, John
Wesby, Chris (Westby)
Wilson, R. B.
Wilson, S. T.














Anderson, Oscar
Barrett Bros.
Busch, John
Bushnell, W. K.
Collins, Michael
Corbett, William
Eddy, O. W.
Evans, Chris.
Fay, Ida
Fiene, George
Foley, Mrs. Ellen
Fox, Mrs. Mary
Harkness, Agnes
Harkness, Maria
Harter, Henry
Hessefort, John
Hildebrand, Herman
Kaldeway, Herman
Karcher, John
Kluspes, John
Koehler, William
Koenig, Anton
Lohaus, William
Lois, Allie
Luke, Henry
Martin, Thomas
Miller, C. W.
Murphy, William
Nasz, A.
Nelson, Chris
Nelson, Nels
Olson, O. K.
Pennefeather, Thomas
Pfanselter, Joseph (Pfanzelter)
Potter, Matilda
Prott, Albert
Prott, Joseph
Prott, Theodore
Ranker, Joseph
Reesman, Barney
Richards, Mary J.
Richter, Theodore J.
Runkel, A.
Schireman, Frank (Schuerman)
Sengbusch, Albert
Shanley, Kathryn
Shepstone, Henry
Siehoff, Ben
Smith, F & R & L
Sobbe, Henry
Spiegelhoff, Erwin
Spieker, John
Stranger, John G.
Strupp, Mrs. Louisa (Stroupe)
Toombs, Albert
Trimberger, John
Tuligowski, John
Ulenhake, Henry (Uhlenhake)
Verhalen, Jake
Volbrecht, Henry
Walsh, John
Walski, Fr.
Ward, James
Warren, Daniel A.
Warren, Frank
Warren, John
Wehmhoff, Henry
Wheeler, Irving
Wheeler, William
Willich, Theodore
Wirmling, Barbara (Wermeling)










Albrecht, Matt
Althoff, Joseph
Beck, John A.
Beck, Mrs. A.
Bieneman, Henry
Bohnsack, Herman
Boschert, Charles
Boschert, Frank
Brainerd, Chauncey
Brandes, Phillip
Buck, Joseph
Buck, William
Clouse, Amelia (Claus)
Cole, Mrs. C. W.
Crane, B. W.
Dyson, C. J.
Eisenbart, Mrs. C.
Fay, Lyman
Fay, Ulysses S.
Finke, Frank
Fishman, Frank
Gerken, John
Grass, Frank
Hollencamp, Theodore
Jacobson, Theodore
Kane, Herman W.
Kessler, Herman
Lemmerhart, Fred (Lemmerhirt)
Lemmerhart, Theodore (Lemmerhirt)
Miller, D. J.
Newberry, Frank
Newberry, I. H. (Newbury)
Newberry, N. F. (Newbury)
Ott, Reinold
Pierce, Mrs. A. E.
Prailes, N. S.
Rasch, Charles
Reinker, Ed (Ranker)
Robers, Gerhard
Robers, John B.
Rosenhauer, Chris.
Rosenhauer, Ed.
Runkel, H.
Schoenbeck, Jos
Schulz, Frank
Seno, Louis
Steffen, Charles
Steffen, Fred
Tenhagen, Joseph
Uebele, Fred
Weinborn, Mike
Weinman, Lorenz
Winkler, Chris

Aldrich, Charles
Aldrich, Harry
Bosse, Henry
Brierly, Ed
Cook, Alex
Cook, Amelia
Cook, Mary F.
David, Ben
Erdley, Henry
Erhart, Anton
Freis, Henry (Fries)
Heck, Jacob
Heinz, Ambrose
Holzheimer, John
Hubbard, Ira
Hubbard, William
Kaddatz, Charles
Kessler, Louis
Klaehn, A. F.
Koch, Fred
Koehnke, John
Kordoski, Charles
Kordoski, Jacob
Kosner, William (Kasner)
Kresken, John
Kuhn, Frank
Leahy, John
Loomis, Marion
Luedtke, August
Pfanselter, L. (Pfanzelter)
Prasch, Albert
Roanhorst, Ben (Roanhouse)
Rueter, John A.
Trapp, William
Uhen, Herman
Uhen, John W.
Vos, Adolph
Watson, W.
Wilson, James
Wilson, William C.
Wortman, A. S.








Albrecht, Ernst
Bauman, B. J.
Box, Mrs. Mary
Buchholtz, William
Buckley, Miss Mary
Cheesman, Joseph
Cooper, Fred
Dahlman, H. E.
Emerson, Johnson
Foreman, William
Foreman, William, Jr.
Fraser, David H.
Fredrickson, Charles
Gerber, Leon
Hansen, Martin
Healy, George W.
Healy, Maurice B.
Henning, Fred
Hewitt, B. F.
Hewitt, F. E.
Hough, Ed
Hoyt, W. E.
Hulbert, A. R.
Junge, Al
Kilpatrick, Frank
Kilpatrick, James
Kinney, James
Lehman, George C.
Luedtke, Louis
Marck, L. J.
Noble, Clarence
Novak, A.
Prout, Mrs. Mary
Rowe, W. A., Jr.
Schade, George
Schaub, Ben
Siehoff Brothers
Siehoff, Herman
Stratton, E. E.
Summers, Joseph
Tenpenny, Joseph
Tess, August
Tichlofen, Henry
Verhalen, Minnie
Williams, Frank
Williams, J. K.
Wright, F. W.
Zahn, Cornelius
Zahn, Jeanette
Zahn, Mrs. Eliza
Zahn, Victor



BEND" FROM 1891 TO 1908.


Free Press, December 23, 1903

Postmaster Theodore Riel has received word from Washington that the mail routes laid out from this city, and in fact all the routes of the Racine and Kenosha county system, will be opened on Feb. 1, 1904, when regular service will begin. Six routes will be started out from Burlington, besides the star route service to Rochester and Waterford.

The routes out of Burlington will be known as Nos. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22 and were laid out by Special Agent Fox early in the fall. Postmaster Riel will establish the routes with six carriers, who will receive a salary of $600 per annum each, including horse hire. The routes are as follows:

Route No. 17  Commencing at the Burlington post office, the carrier will go northeast 2 miles to Marsland corner, thence east to J. Squire 4-3/8 miles, north and east to M. Quirk 1 mile, north to J. Spriggs 1/2  mile, west to S. Stenhouse corner 2 miles, south to F. Pihringer corner 2 miles, west to H. Pihringer corner 3/4 miles, north to Hegeman corner 2 miles, northeast to J. Finan corner 2-3/8 miles, northwest to James Edwards 1/2 mile, west to R. E. Ela 2 miles, south and southeast to Stenhouse corner 1-1/2 miles, thence southwest to the post office 5 miles. Length of route, 26 miles; area covered, 15 square miles; number of houses on route, 100; population served, 500.

Route No. 18  Commencing at the Burlington post office, the carrier will go east to School No. 7, Dover township 5-3/4 miles, thence south through Dover to Callahan corner 1-1/4 miles, east, north and east to J. Engelhardt corner 2-1/2 miles, north to J. Gorman corner 1-1/4 miles, northwest, southwest and west to creamery on township line 3-1/2 miles, south to McGilles corner 2 miles, east to J. M. Madigan residence 3/4 miles, west and south to H. Uhen corner 1-1/2 miles, thence northwest to the post office 5 miles. Length of route, 23-1/2 miles, ; area covered, 15 square miles; number of houses on route, 100; population served, 500.

Route No. 19  Commencing at the Burlington post office, the carrier will go southeast to Sengbusch corner 1 mile, thence south and southeast to H. Luke corner 2-1/2 miles, northeast 1/2 mile, southeast and south to A. Runkel corner 2-5/8 miles, east to C. Evans corner 1 mile, north to J. Leach 2-1/4 miles, southeast to B. O'Brien 1-1/4 miles, south to J. Brook corner 1-3/4 miles, west to C. Evans corner 1 mile, south to J. H. Rafferty corner 1 mile, west to school No. 11 1-1/4 miles, south and southeast to J. P. Runkel 1-1/2 miles, northwest to Heiderman corner 1 mile, thence north and northwest to the post office 7 miles. Length of route, 25-5/8 miles; area covered, 18 square miles; number of houses on route, 102; population served, 510.

Route No. 20  Commencing at the Burlington post office, the carrier will go south to Slade's Corners 6-3/4 miles, thence east 1/2 and west 3/4 miles, south to Powers post office 2 miles, southeast and east to H. Holzheimer 2-1/8 miles, north to school No. 2 2 miles, west to C. Steffen corner 1/2 mile, north to county line 2 miles, east 1/2 and north 1/2 mile, south 1/2 and west 3/8 miles, northwest to school house 2-5/8 miles, north to C. Brainerd 1/2 mile, thence east, northeast and north to the post office 3-3/8 miles. Length of route, 25 miles; area covered, 14 square miles; number of houses on route, 103; population served, 515.

Route No. 21  Commencing at the Burlington post office, the carrier will go southwest into Lyons township, Walworth county, to school No. 1 3-1/8 miles, thence south to B. Roanhouse corner 2-1/4 miles, east to Kresken corner, Racine county, 3/4 mile, south to J. Schmitz, Kenosha county 2-3/4 miles, west to Schenning corner 1 mile, south to Dale corner 1/2 mile, west to Bloomfield 2-1/8 miles, north to D. W. Dike corner Spring Prairie township, Walworth County, 7-7/8 miles, east to J. E. Bartholf corner 1 mile, north to A. Bartholf residence 3/8 mile, south 3/8 mile, thence east to the post office 3 miles. Length of route 25-1/8 miles; area covered, 18 square miles; number of houses on route, 110; population served, 550.

Route No. 22  Commencing at the Burlington post office, the carrier will go north to J. Young corner 2 miles, thence northeast to E. Ayers 2-1/2 miles, north to D. White 1 mile, east to Rochester post office 1-3/4 miles, north to G. Hulbert corner 2 miles, west to H. Cooper 2 miles, south to B. F. Fowler 2 miles, southwest to P. Kinney estate 3/4 mile, northeast 3/4 mile, west to Honey Creek 2-1/4 miles, south and southwest through Vienna and south to school No. 7 4-1/2 miles, east to H. Dahlman 1-1/2 miles, south and southeast to the post office 2-1/4 miles. Length of route, 25-1/4 miles; area covered, 20 square miles; number of houses on route, 103; population served 515.

The establishment of the service must not be delayed for any reason, or the routes as laid down changed, without the direct authorization of the department.

Postmaster Riel is directed to see that the rural carriers leave the post office for delivery of their mail at 7:30 a. m. and that they return with their collections in time to dispatch mail by 3:00 p. m.

The star route between Slade's Corners and Burlington will be discontinued sometime after the establishment of the service. Upon notice of the discontinuance of the star route, the rural carrier of route No. 20 will carry a closed pouch to and from the Slade's Corners post office containing all mail to and from the Burlington office.


Standard Democrat, January 16, 1904

Last Saturday morning Postmaster Riel and the six rural mail carriers who will travel from the Burlington office received notice of their appointment from Washington. The service will begin on Monday, Feb. 1, and those who have not put up their boxes should do so by that time. The carriers leave the Burlington office at 7:30 a. m. Below is a list of the carriers and substitutes:

        Route No. 17   George P. Goodwin, regular; Mrs. George P. Goodwin, substitute.
        Route No. 18 
  John A. McNamara, regular; Thomas M. McNamara, substitute.
        Route No. 19 
  Henry A. Cook, regular; Len Brainerd, substitute.
        Route No. 20 
  Frank J. Blanke, regular; John Blanke, substitute.
        Route No. 21 
  Fred Martin, regular; Edward Brierly, substitute.
        Route No. 22 
  R. C. Carpenter, regular; H. B. Carpenter, substitute.